Hi there, I’m Sander and this is my personal website!

I am the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for multiple (government) organizations and have a strong background in technology and cybersecurity. I also have a interest in IT, information- and cybersecurity, (rapid) prototyping, home automation and the open-source community. By running this website, I can share my knowledge and experience through articles and tutorials. Sander’s work focuses on practical guides on all sorts of topics.

For some time now, I’ve been collecting and writing articles on various topics. My content covers a broad range of topics, including hacking, rapid-prototyping, cybersecurity, Domoticz (I stepped away from that platform years ago, currently using Home Assistant) and alternative software solutions. I am known for my hands-on approach, and I am in general highly responsive to reader inquiries.

Should you miss anything or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
I usually respond fairly quickly.

O yeah, this is me standing on top of a vulcano: