RFLINK for Domoticz
Step-by-step how-to guide install the RFLink, on a Raspberry Pi 4, with the latest Raspbian Buster image and Domoticz.
Connection will be based directly on USB, we are working on how-to guides to connect the RF-Link in different ways such as over ethernet (ser2net) or wifi (ESPEasy).
This how-to is part of a bigger series of Domoticz how-to’s on sancla.com!
This tutorial has been verified with:
Domoticz 2020.1
- Running Domoticz installation with stable Raspbian Buster release and SSH access.
See my previous post for a how-to:
https://sancla.com/domoticz/raspberry-pi-4-with-domoticz/ - RFLink
Tested with
- Raspberry Pi 4 (MEM 2GB with 16GB sd-card)
- Raspbian Buster Lite 4.19, Februari 2020
- Domoticz Stable 2020.1 (compile date 22-3-2020)
- RFLink firmware R48 (USB/MEGA)
Step 1 Connect the RFLink with USB
This is probably the most easiest step I ever included in a how-to, but just connect your RFLink to the Raspberry Pi.
However, if you haven’t used your RFLink in a long time and you aren’t sure about the firmware version, you can upgrade this to the latest version very easily.
The developers made it easy update the firmware with their (Windows) support application, it’s included with the firmware update download:
Just connect your RFLink to your PC, run the support application “RFLinkLoader.exe”, select the included firmware and press the “Upload/Program firmware to device” button.

Step 2: Configure the RFLink in Domoticz
Once you have connect the RFLink to your Raspberry Pi, go to Domoticz and then to the hardware section under Setup.
- Name: RfLink433
- Type: RFLink Gateway USB
- Data Timeout: Disabled
- Serial Port: Select the one with “Arduino” in it.
If this doesn’t work later on, try the other ports till you found the right one.

Step 3: Connect devices in Domoticz
Once you have configured your hardware device, Domoticz will start automatically to recognize the device in your neighborhood once it receives a signal from it. Over time, this can get a bit messy and easily get out of hand, see step 4 for a solution.
Now, once you press a button of a 433mhz device (or any other RF kind if your RFLink supports this), RFLink will communicate that signal to Domoticz and Domoticz will automatically add the device under devices.
The biggest problem with the devices is recognizing the device in question. It’s a trail-and-error game of can give you head-aches if you live in a crowded area such as a city. However, for light switches, we have a trick. Every time you click on a ON/OFF button of your 433mhz device, the device gets an update and you will see the state change in Domoticz in 1-2 seconds.
After you identified all your RF devices, named and enabled them, your set and it should all work in Domoticz. Fun fact, in most area’s almost always a neighbor has a 433mhz based outdoor temperature sensor you can receive. And in most cases, they will change the batteries periodically for you, it won’t cost you a single penny!
Step 4: Disable “Accept new Hardware Devices” in Domoticz
Once you have identified and configured your sensors, it’s best to disable the auto-acceptance of new devices and remove the devices that are not yours. Domoticz provides you with a way to work around this ‘feature’ by allowing Domoticz to find and auto-recognize new devices for a short period of time only, for 5 minutes.
To disable the auto-acceptance of new devices or to enable the auto-acceptance for 5 minutes, find the “Hardware/Devices” section under Setup -> Settings.
Be aware that this also disables the recognition of new devices of other hardware devices.
If you add any new hardware or devices of any kind, you may temporary enable this setting again.
Tips & Tricks
- If the range of your RFlink is lesser than ideal, one thing you could try is to change and re-position your antenna. Try the “Dipole antenne 433 Mhz” from nodo-shop.nl, I have really good experiences with that one (tripled my range)!
Rflink the best what I buy for my domoticz. Cheap temperature and humidity sensor. It’s really good
Roland Twilt
I cant create RFLink Devices: problem creating sensor
Roland Twilt
ik heb vorige week vrijdag mijn RFLink (bestelreferentie GGVKQWH) en een dag later al mogen ontvangen.
De RFLink werkt super en alle klik aan klik uit apparaten zijn nu opgenomen in Domoticz.
De reden waarom ik een RFLink heb gekocht is omdat ik rookmelder heb van Sonnof en deze wil ik opnemen in Domoticz.
De bedoeling is dat als er een rookmelder afgaat alle verlichting gaat branden.
Ik heb lang gezocht en uitkerindelijk een stappenplan gevonden die gaat exact over deze rookmelder;
Ik heb alle stappen doorlopen en deze gaan goed, totdat er in Blocky een “als dit dan dat” moet aanmaken.
Op de site staat dan dat je het apparaat in een Blocky moet opnemen, als voorbeeld noemen zij de Sonoff RF bridge.
Hiervoor in de plaats moet ik dus het apparaat RFLink selecteren maar dit is in Domoticz geen apparaat maar hardware.
Kunt u mij alstublieft helpen? Ik ben het hele weekend aan het puzzelen geweest en de moed zakt me ondertussen in de schoenen. De oplossing die op de hierboven genoemde site staat is niet juist
Roland Twilt
I received my RFLink (order reference GGVKQWH) last Friday and a day later.
The RFLink works great and all click on click devices are now included in Domoticz.
The reason why I bought an RFLink is because I have a smoke detector from Sonnof and I want to include it in Domoticz.
The intention is that if a smoke detector goes off, all lighting will come on.
I searched for a long time and finally found a step-by-step plan that is exactly about this smoke detector;
I have gone through all the steps and they are going well, until I have to create an “if this then that” in Blocky.
The site says that you must include the device in a Blocky, as an example they mention the Sonoff RF bridge.
Instead, I have to select the device RFLink, but in Domoticz this is not a device but hardware.
Can you please help me? I have been puzzling all weekend and my heart is sinking in the meantime. The solution on the site mentioned above is not correct