As a nerd, I naturally have various (half-finished) projects. Here is an overview of the topics and projects:

  • N.I.E.S. Project

    Lately, I’ve been interested in understanding the air and comfort quality in my house, prompted by current discussions on the topic, particularly since moving to a new home, and my previous measurements of temperature and humidity have fueled my curiosity further.

  • Domoticz

    Domoticz is a home automation system that allows users to monitor and control various devices and appliances in their household remotely.

  • Hacking

    A few articles about hacking and security

  • The search for an alternative for Evernote

    As both a security consultant and avid enthusiast, I’ve relied on Evernote for years to organize my notes, memos, and references, but the recent substantial price hikes have prompted me to reconsider my options.

  • Even Buiten

    The history of building a new house with daily photos.